Just finished the second book in the Mother-Earth Series

A Cure for Chaos (Book 2 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker. (Publication Date: January 24, 2011. 348 pages)
Can’t wait for the last book!

Some useful words and expressions:
a far cry = большая разница, как небо и земля, совсем не то, что (He had topped out at five foot ten, a far cry from the foot and a half he was when Jenni had first seen him);
death sentence = смертельный приговор (Despite the words, the emotions behind them sounded like a death sentence and Jenni had to turn away);
dog paddle (разг. америк.) = doggy paddle (разг. брит.) = плавание по-собачьи (He started dog paddling his way to the eastern bank);
in sequence = один за другим, последовательно (The bulb in the lamp post directly ahead of them burst, followed by the rest in sequence along the fence line);
make oneself scarce = удрать, улизнуть, стараться не попадаться на глаза (Alisha had made herself scarce as much as possible, retreating to her former quarters and enjoying the comparative wealth of comforts);
oh brother = блин («Oh, brother. Thank goodness I asked about it!»);
school of fish = стая рыб;
small game = мелкая дичь (Once inside the forest, the bowmen became more active, bringing down small game whenever they flushed some out of hiding);
square one = самое начало (He sighed. «So I guess we’re back to square one»);
to leave smb. to his (her) own devices = предоставить кого-либо самому себе (The next day, Jenni left her mother to her own devices);
water under the bridge = something that happened in the past and can’t be changed («Water under the bridge, Roger,» Mrs. Osorio said. «The past year or so has been hard on all of us»);
window-shop = to look at goods in shop windows without buying them (After they ate, the two of them window shopped in silence).

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.