Mi primera reseña de un libro en Español – El Secreto de Lena de Michael Ende / Rusa aprende español

Saludos desde Rusia! En este vídeo estoy haciendo una reseña de un libro en español por primera vez. Quiero contarles un poco sobre un libro que he leido recientemente en español, y sobre dos frases que encontré en este libro y que fueron muy interesantes para mí, para la rusa.


El libro se llama “El secreto de Lena”, de Michael Ende.

0:00 Introducción
0:22 Mi opinión sobre este libro
3:46 Dos frases que encontré en este libro y que me parecieron muy interesantes
5:37 Conclusión

¡Muchas gracias por ver este vídeo! ❤️ Espero que esta pequeña reseña les haya gustado.

Por favor díganme en los comentarios, ¿han leído ustedes los libros de Michael Ende, y sobre todo “La historia interminable” o “La historia sin fin”? Y si ya lo leyeron, por favor cuéntenme, qué les pareció. Me gustaría mucho escuchar sus opiniones.

Me gusta muchísimo de verdad leer todos sus comentarios. Es realmente, maravilloso que hoy en día, gracias al Internet, podemos comunicarnos con todo el mundo, desde Rusia hasta América Latina o España y otros paises.

Hi friends! In today’s video I will try to speak in Spanish. I’d like to talk to you about a book that I’ve recently read in Spanish – El Secreto de Lena by Michael Ende. I’m going to share with you what I liked and disliked about this book, and what phrases I, as a native Russian speaker, found interesting.

I’d like to hear your thoughts!
Please write in the comments: have you ever read books by Michael Ende, and in what language did you read them? Did you enjoy the books? I would be really interested in hearing your opinion.

Also I’d really appreciate all your feedback, any correction and any advice you could give on how to improve my pronunciation in Spanish.
Thank you so much! ❤️

Please check out my other Spanish videos:

▶ ¿Por qué estudiar español? – Mis 7 razones para aprender español (video in Spanish with ESP subs) https://youtu.be/FTKHl5fxnTY
▶ ¿Qué es lo más difícil y lo más fácil para mi en español? -Rusa Tratando de Hablar Español (esp sub) https://youtu.be/bxXTRuyFxVY
▶ Read out loud in Spanish #2 / Rusa leyendo en Español para practicar la pronunciación (sp subs) https://youtu.be/LSmMMfaA9oA
▶ Leyendo en Español / Read aloud in Spanish #1// Rusa Tratando de Hablar Español https://youtu.be/ZT1ek6gTuew

I hope you enjoy watching these videos as much as I enjoy making them!

I want to say a big thank you to my Spanish teacher Mrs. Maria Baeza Guerrero for her support and for correcting my mistakes. ¡Maria, muchísimas gracias por tu ayuda! ❤️

P.S. I apologize for reading from a script. As some of you already know my story, I can read, write and understand but I still struggle to put my thoughts into words even in my own language – Russian. :)

Which foreign languages are you most comfortable with? – Language Learning Questions

Hey friends! Another interesting question that I got yesterday was – which foreign languages are you most comfortable with? You know, that’s really interesting, and not that easy to answer. For me it depends on my language skills in whatever language I’m learning.


0:00 Introduction
0:21 Reading and writing
0:53 Speaking skills
1:55 Listening skills
3:18 Conclusion

Thank you so much for watching! ❤️ I’d like to hear your thoughts, guys. Please write in the comments: what foreign languages are you feel most comfortable with?

Please check out my other videos in different languages:

▶ Videos in English https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVWC1hS0oBJ6cf6as99j7j4N

▶ Videos in Spanish https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVX0iNdFZebXDoHoE_vau8aE     

▶ Videos in Polish https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVVDgKNXh3FNfjmoyooYwL16      

▶ Videos in Russian https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVVii0qdJO-2FdsUr1_d8HdG     

▶ Videos in Armenian https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVVFO7dpMMNjYl_M9L_uW_f_      

▶ Multilingual videos https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVUX3rISdyp-hQhUsQLrVnXR     

I hope you enjoy watching these videos as much as I enjoy making them!


I want to say a BIG thank you to my English teacher Mrs. Rebecah Propst for her support and for correcting my mistakes. ▶ Rebecah’s Youtube channel


Note: this is not a sponsored video. I am just sharing some of my favorite YouTube channels that I find helpful.


P.S. I apologize for reading from a script. As some of you already know my story, I can read, write and understand but I still struggle to put my thoughts into words even in my own language – Russian. :)

Here is my story:

▶ I understand but I can’t SPEAK – my language learning problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVElNKVWM18&t=0s      

▶ I asked 5 native speaker teachers (EN, SP, PL) and one Russian therapist about my language problem https://youtu.be/hz1OVaoDyhE


Let’s learn languages together!

▶ Subscribe to my channel for more videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3LKg8AdU2SqmLYP7cH8x4A?sub_confirmation=1   

▶ Mail: info@silentpolyglot.com    

Thank you so much for watching and happy reading! 💕

How fast do I read books in different languages? – Learning languages by reading books

Hey friends! I was recently asked, how fast do I read books in different languages? Actually, it depends a lot on the language and on the book I’m reading, and also on my mood at that moment.


0:00 Introduction
0:21 Reading in Russian
0:43 Reading in English
2:18 Reading in Spanish, Polish and my other target languages
4:07 Have I ever measured my reading speed?
6:12 Conclusion

Thank you so much for watching! ❤️
📖 Books mentioned in this video:
🇺🇲 (En) The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World by David W. Anthony
🇲🇽 (Sp) El Libro Salvaje (written by the Mexican writer Juan Villoro)
🇪🇦 (Sp) Una Nota Falsa (Lola Lago detective #2) by Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans
🇵🇱 (Pl) Znachor (book 1) and Profesor Wilczur (sequel to Znachor) by Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

I would like to hear your thoughts, guys. Please write in the comments, how fast do you read books in different languages? What does it depend on? In which language do you like reading the most – in your native language or in your target language (or languages)?

Please check out my other videos in different languages:
▶ Videos in English https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVWC1hS0oBJ6cf6as99j7j4N    
▶ Videos in Spanish https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVX0iNdFZebXDoHoE_vau8aE    
▶ Videos in Polish https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVVDgKNXh3FNfjmoyooYwL16     
▶ Videos in Russian https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVVii0qdJO-2FdsUr1_d8HdG    
▶ Videos in Armenian https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVVFO7dpMMNjYl_M9L_uW_f_     
▶ Multilingual videos https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDOUErEssBVUX3rISdyp-hQhUsQLrVnXR    

I hope you enjoy watching these videos as much as I enjoy making them!


I want to say a BIG thank you to my English teacher Mrs. Rebecah Propst for her support and for correcting my mistakes. ▶ Rebecah’s Youtube channel


Note: this is not a sponsored video. I am just sharing some of my favorite YouTube channels that I find helpful.


P.S. I apologize for reading from a script. As some of you already know my story, I can read, write and understand but I still struggle to put my thoughts into words even in my own language – Russian. :)

Here is my story:

▶ I understand but I can’t SPEAK – my language learning problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVElNKVWM18&t=0s       

▶ I asked 5 native speaker teachers (EN, SP, PL) and one Russian therapist about my language problem https://youtu.be/hz1OVaoDyhE


Let’s learn languages together!

▶ Subscribe to my channel for more videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3LKg8AdU2SqmLYP7cH8x4A?sub_confirmation=1   

▶ Mail: info@silentpolyglot.com    

Thank you so much for watching and happy reading! 💕

Камасутра для оратора – Радислав Гандапас

Прочитала очень хорошую книгу:

Камасутра для оратора. 10 глав о том, как получать и доставлять максимальное удовольствие, выступая публично (автор Радислав Гандапас).

Несколько раз пыталась начать читать ее, но все что-то останавливало. Хотелось сесть и прочитать книгу целиком и без длительных перерывов, а здесь в деревне, да еще и осенью не так-то легко это сделать. :)

И вот наконец-то, работы на улице завершены, овощи в банки закатаны и эта книга, уже прочитанная, лежит передо мной.


Что могу сказать? Мне очень понравилось! Читается книга удивительно легко и на одном дыхании. Иногда складывается такое ощущение, что ты беседуешь с автором напрямую, и он с юмором просто и доступно объясняет именно тебе всю беспочвенность твоих страхов перед публичными выступлениями и возможности, которые открываются перед тобой после их преодоления. Автор где-то шутит и подбадривает, а где-то достаточно жестко и удивительно вовремя дает волшебный пендель.

Появляющиеся в конце книги повторы, совершенно не раздражают. Напротив, они воспринимаются, как возможность перечитать и закрепить полученную информацию. Как говорится, повторение – мать учения.

Две цитаты из книги:

«Для того чтобы научиться выступать без подготовки, нужно очень много готовиться».

«Весь секрет успеха публичного выступления состоит в том, чтобы говорить с людьми, а не выступать перед ними!»

В общем, ни убавить, ни прибавить. Просто брать – и делать!
Радислав Иванович, спасибо огромное за замечательную книгу и отличное настроение!