Armenia, Cradle Of Civilization by David Marshall Lang (book in English)

This is a good book for all people interested in Armenia and Armenian History. I would really like to read something similar – more books about Armenia, Georgia, Iran.

A quote from the book:

“The Armenian is one of nature’s individualists, a leven for the conformist mass of the human race. Logically he should have given up the struggle and lain down to die long ago. But he refused and still refuses to surrender, and here lies the key to understanding the nature of this dogged, invincible, little people, whose contribution to human civilization is out of all proportion to its numerical strength.”
– David Marshall Lang

Started Reading – 7 April 2022
Finished Reading – 14 April 2022

The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times (books in English)

After my terrible mistake that I made in one of my previous language videos (where by mistake I gave the wrong etymology of the Armenian word and thus confuse my dear viewers), I decided to read as much as possible about the Armenian language and Armenian customs and traditions. Read and learn, and try not to make such huge mistakes again. Of course, all mistakes cannot be avoided, but I want to stop making stupid mistakes.

I found several books about Armenia (written in English) and today I’d like to tell you about these two:

The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times (Volume I and Volume II) by Richard G. Hovannisian (Editor)

These are excellent books, detailed and very interesting. I highly recommend these books to anyone who is interested in Armenia.

My favorite chapter was “Armenian literary culture through the eleventh century” written by Robert Thompson. It was about the invention of the Armenian Script, the first translations and many more.

“The history of the Armenian people is long, complex, and in many ways epic and heroic.”
– Richard G. Hovannisian

My first Armenian lesson! ❤

I had my first Armenian lesson today and absolutely loved it! Armenian is a beautiful language that has a long history and a very rich and colorful vocabulary. Also I am fascinated by the Armenian alphabet. It is unique, hard to learn and very attractive at the same time! Mesrop Mashtots – the creator of the alphabet – he was genius!

This entry was originally posted on my Facebook page.