My first Armenian lesson! ❤

I had my first Armenian lesson today and absolutely loved it! Armenian is a beautiful language that has a long history and a very rich and colorful vocabulary. Also I am fascinated by the Armenian alphabet. It is unique, hard to learn and very attractive at the same time! Mesrop Mashtots – the creator of the alphabet – he was genius!

This entry was originally posted on my Facebook page.

Армянский язык. Обожаю!

Армения – страна настоящих мужчин и красивых песен. Эта бесконечная дорога, маки, горы и головокружительный простор иногда приходят ко мне во снах. Эх, если бы я могла выбирать где прожить остаток жизни, не колеблясь выбрала бы горы Карабаха!

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.