I did it!

I spoke at a conference today… and I liked that!
It was the 3rd International conference and professional fair «Equiros – Professional’2012» (Scientific and research conference on horse-breeding) and this was my first time speaking in front of an audience of horse professionals such as breeders, trainers, handlers etc. A very difficult task of giving a very careful, responsible speech.
Actually, I hate conferences (or at least, I thought I did). I’m an introvert, I’m shy and I’m not a big party person. But this time I was so surprised by the warm welcome of the audience that I almost forgot all my fears, my shyness and lack of self confidence. I just did my speech (read it from the text actually)… and people clapped!
WoW! I never unexpected, it was really exciting and interesting! A great experience!
Thanks Ann, you’re brilliant! Your advice was absolutely priceless!!

P.S. Right now I’m so exhausted that I don’t want to think about doing anything but eating. I desperately want some sushi and… chocolate!

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Такие дела…

Доложила на совете годовой отчет.
Тихий ужас! Такой кошмарной неуверенности в себе и публикобоязни давно у меня не было! Причем идет это почему-то по нарастающей: чем больше выступаю, тем хуже становятся выступления…
Где бы найти психолога, который помог бы справиться с возникшей проблемой т.к. выступать придется все больше и больше, а мямлить позорно как сейчас что-то не очень хочется?

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.