Trying to write in English for the first time

It was a wonderful trip!

Me and my husband just returned from Ekaterinburg. Ekaterinburg is one of the biggest cities in Russia. It is situated on the border of the Europe and Asia, in the very middle of the Urals.
This is the 1st time we have traveled by plan. We flew from Domodedovo (Moscow) to Koltsovo (Ekaterinburg) with Transaero. Transaero is the first Russian private airline. I remembered most of all a lift-off moment and sensation of motion. The plan has amazing speed! I enjoyed it enormously and I want to fly again!
It was a wonderful trip! The weather was fine, the scenery was breathtaking and people (locals) were kind-hearted and so amiable. It made our trip very interesting and enjoyable.

Because of busy schedule we were not able to walk around the town much time but tried to take as many photos as possible. Mayby I’ll post them sometime.

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.