Мой английский

В последние полторы недели пишу практически исключительно на английском. В результате, под вечер от инфы гудит голова, а ночью снятся фантастические сны, где тоже один сплошной инглиш. (Блин, ну почему не эротические?) 🤣
В общем, пока не знаю, будет ли прок от этой бешеной гонки. Перейду ли на какой-то следующий уровень в изучении языка или это будет очередной маленький шажок, который и не почувствую.

Перекос в языке, конечно, очень заметен. Я все еще не могу на нем говорить, но написать могу уже почти про все. Паровозики, садоводство, дикие животные, балки потолочные – без разницы!
Ме-е-дленно, но напишу. А раньше только ENG>RUS читала. Так что, может и есть чуток прогресса, зря наговариваю. 😜

International Lefthanders Day – 13th August

Сегодня Международный день левши. Можно сказать, и мой праздник тоже. Переучивали меня всё мое сознательное детство, но так и не переучили! Рисую (карандашом, ручкой, кистью… не важно) только левой рукой. Пишу – правой, хотя при необходимости ручку и в левую руку без особого напряга переложить могу. Со столовыми приборами та же фигня, как и с письмом, за исключением колюще-режущих инструментов – вот их могу держать только в левой!
Вообще сейчас задумалась и поняла, что при любых действиях, требующих более точных, выверенных движений, ведущая рука у меня всегда левая! Ножницы, нож, молоток, пинцеты, шприцы, даже собачий поводок – только в левой руке держу.
Интересно, что мышь компьютерная – в правой. Ну тут как-то само собой сложилось, что почти на любом рабочем месте мышь с ковриком справа располагаются, хочешь не хочешь, а приспособишься…
С рукоделием тоже забавно вышло: вышиваю и зашиваю левой, а вязальным крючком орудую только правой.
Вот такая разносторонняя. :)

Happy Left-Hander’s Day! I’m left handed, and partly ambidextrous too. I eat and write with my right hand (I was forced to at school) but I use knife, scissors, toothbrush and most other tools only with my left hand. (I can write with both hands, but my right hand is better at writing :)).
I alsow believe I use my right hand for a computer mouse simply because the mouse is always on the right-hand side of the monitor.
As for crafts, I hold a paint brush and a sewing needle with my left hand but crochet hook in my right hand.
Upd.. Wow! It seems like I’m mixed-handed (or a cross-dominant person) according to Wikipedia, which is when someone uses both hands depending on what the task is. Interesting, isn’t it?

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

An interesting book is a great teacher!

I love foreign languages and I love young adult books! Roswell High book series, as well as Harry Potter series, are helping me with my English more than anything else I have tried. They constantly give me everyday expressions, British and American slang/sayings, etc.
Unfortunately, the books could not improve my speaking skills… (sigh).
Anyway. I’ve read the fourth book in the Roswell High series (The Watcher) by Melinda Metz and here are some interesting words and expressions that I’ve found:

after-hours = после рабочего дня, после отбоя (You’re predictable in your after-hours activities);
bummer = «облом» (What a bummer!);
check out = (разг.) умереть (You can’t check out now!);
crash crash out (break out) = быстро засыпать, «отрубиться»;
сrew cut = crew haircut = короткая стрижка, «ежик»;
flag down = сигнализировать, давать отмашку;
joint = (ам. жарг.) косяк (He’d been busted for smoking a joint behind the school);
mug = (разг.) лицо или рот;
no dice = бесполезно, ничего не вышло, этот номер не пройдет (It’s no dice, buddy);
on it = принято;
rocks = (разг.) лед (…on the rocks – …со льдом);
settle for = довольствоваться чем-либо;
sitch = situation (AmSlang);
stakeout spot = место, откуда ведется наблюдение, засада;
to cut smb. some slack = (амер.) быть менее строгим к кому-либо, дать поблажку.

The Watcher (Roswell High, #4) by Melinda Metz

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Just Thoughts

Easily offended people. Yeah, I’m one of them.
The internet is a rough place sometimes and it’s so easy to be offended by someone’s comment. I know.
Sometimes people forget how personal the offense is, and how painful…
I’m trying to cheer up but I just feel myself sinking deeper into sadness…
The only word: Why?!.

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

I’m so disappointed

I had never read Danielle Steel book before so I decided to give it a try. I’ve read two of her books recently “Big Girl” and “Dating Game” and I was hugely disappointed. I don’t know if she always writes like this but I will never read anything by this author again!
Her writing was boring and so repetitive. From book to book she said almost the same things over and over again. No depth, the characters are flat! I had to force myself to finish just because I finish almost every book I start.

But… maybe I’ve missed something? Danielle Steel is a bestselling author. Maybe her other books might be worth reading?

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

I did it!

I spoke at a conference today… and I liked that!
It was the 3rd International conference and professional fair «Equiros – Professional’2012» (Scientific and research conference on horse-breeding) and this was my first time speaking in front of an audience of horse professionals such as breeders, trainers, handlers etc. A very difficult task of giving a very careful, responsible speech.
Actually, I hate conferences (or at least, I thought I did). I’m an introvert, I’m shy and I’m not a big party person. But this time I was so surprised by the warm welcome of the audience that I almost forgot all my fears, my shyness and lack of self confidence. I just did my speech (read it from the text actually)… and people clapped!
WoW! I never unexpected, it was really exciting and interesting! A great experience!
Thanks Ann, you’re brilliant! Your advice was absolutely priceless!!

P.S. Right now I’m so exhausted that I don’t want to think about doing anything but eating. I desperately want some sushi and… chocolate!

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

The American Standardbred by Professor Ron Groves (in English)

I’ve just finished reading the free electronic book called “The American Standardbred” and written by Professor Ron Groves. A very well-written book, I might add!
It was just what I needed: a complete review of American Standardbreds. I enjoed reading it especially about the history of horse racing in America.
America and Russia… For centuries we’ve had two very different selection programs because the purposes of breeding the Orlov trotter and the American Standardbred were different. In the book I ran across this quotation also: «… unlike the Americans, the European founders established neither guidelines for creating a distinct breed nor standards for their inclusion into stud books»…
Yes, it’s all true! That’s why the Orlov trotter could never approach the American Standardbred in speed. But I don’t think it needs to because in selection only by speed we can lose the Orlov itself as an elegant, and at the same time strong, powerful looking carriage horse.
I love Orlov trotters! There’s something magical about them. I’ve been in love with this horse breed for over 20 years and I can’t stand the thought of losing it. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the future of the Orlov Trotter is still unclear. I hope my research project will help (a little bit) to keep this beautiful breed from dying out.

P.S. I wonder how many mistakes in English I`ve made…

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

А экспириенс-то растетЬ :)

Ощутимо растет! Если раньше я писала коротенькую аннотацию на английском целый день, то теперь за час вполне справляюсь.

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Jane Eyre (2011 film) – review in English

I’ve been a Jane Eyre fan since I was 11 or 12 years old and I have every Jane Eyre movie version available. Of course, I had been so excited about a new version coming out last week… but in the cinema I was shocked. It’s one of the worst adaptations of the book I have ever seen. It was so boring.
This film version shows no emotion, no passion, no chemistry between Jane and Rochester. In fact, Mia Wasikowska plays as if she was half asleep; she is lifeless and has no interest in the role that she is playing. Michael Fassbender was OK… simply OK, but nothing special. Only Judy Dench as Mrs. Fairfax was wonderful, her performance is the only thing worth watching!
In my opinion, Cary Fukunaga (director) and the main actors do not understand the novel. Jane Eyre was an intelligent girl full of energy, passion and life!
By the way, where are Miss Temple, Rosamond Oliver and the gypsy scene? Where are the famous lines “Reader, I married him…?” It’s a very sketchy version of the story. I was really disappointed and I did not like it at all.
The 2006 version of Jane Eyre (with Ruth Wilson and Toby Stevens) is a hundred times better!

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (in English)

I’ve just read the first third of the seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows). It’s a book that leaves long-lasting impression and helps me to study English (as previous six books have done pretty well too). But all the same, it’s the last book in this whole story and I can’t wait to read it to the very end.
I wrote down some words and phrases which I’ve found useful.
Here they are:

Cop hold! – Постой! Подожди! Остановись!

decoy – подсадная утка, ложная цель;

proper pride – чувство собственного достоинства;

skirting board (брит.) – плинтус;

(the) essentials – предметы первой необходимости;

the other way round – совсем наоборот, как раз наоборот.

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.