How to Write a Damn Good Novel by James N. Frey

I’ve read only two books on writing so far. The first one was On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King, which I read a year ago. Just now I finished reading the second one and I absolutely loved it!

The book called How to Write a Damn Good Novel: A Step-by-Step No Nonsense Guide to Dramatic Storytelling by James N. Frey.

I think, it’s an excellent read, especially for those who want to write novels. The book is very well written and it contains many clear explanations, various examples and interesting techniques that might be helpful for beginner writers.

P.S. I managed to find this book only in the Russian translation (Как написать гениальный роман – Джеймс Н. Фрэй), and I want to say that the translation was really good. Nevertheless, I would like to read (re-read 😊 ) this book again someday in it’s original language (English).

Started Reading – 21 February 2022
Finished Reading – 4 March 2022
My Rating: 5 Stars ★★★★★

Мой первый рассказ / My first ever short story (in Russian)

Друзья, всем привет! Перед вами моя первая проба пера – короткий рассказ «Призвание».
Возможно, он немного детский, наивный и сентиментальный. Мне очень трудно самой оценить его и хотелось бы услышать мнение со стороны.
Буду признательна за любую помощь, критику, оценки и комментарии.
Спасибо огромное!

Hi friends! I’ve just finished my first ever short story in Russian, called A True Purpose.
Here is the link:
This is my first attempt at writing, so I know this story is far from perfect. It’s a little like a childrens’ book and I suspect it is not well written. But it is very difficult for me to evaluate it myself.
So I’d like to hear your thoughts on this guys. Please, read my story and let me know what do you think.
I would really appreciate all your feedback, any corrections and any advice you could give on how to improve my writing.
Thank you so much for your help!