All the books I read in 2022!

Here are all 73 books I read in 2022 – in English, Spanish, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Armenian.

English 🇺🇲

  1. Variant (Variant #1) by Robison Wells
  2. Feedback (Variant, #2) by Robison Wells
  3. Spanish Grammar in Context by Juan Kattán-Ibarra, Angela Howkins
  4. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  5. The Fireman by Joe Hill
  6. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
  7. A Scent of Sarsaparilla by Ray Bradbury
  8. The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, Volume I: The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century by Richard G. Hovannisian
  9. The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, Volume II: Foreign Dominion to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century by Richard G. Hovannisian
  10. For Esme – With Love and Squalor, and Other Stories by J.D. Salinger
  11. Armenia, Cradle of Civilization by David Marshall Lang
  12. Children of Morrow by Helen Mary Hoover
  13. Treasures of Morrow by Helen Mary Hoover
  14. Away Is a Strange Place to Be by Helen Mary Hoover
  15. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
  16. The Most Beautiful Horse by Boris Almazov, (Translator – Janette C. Butler)
  17. Linguistics: A Very Short Introduction by Peter Hugoe Matthews
  18. Days Like This by Alison Stewart
  19. America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock
Read more…

Spanish 🇪🇸

  1. Superchería by Leopoldo Alas “Clarín”
  2. Aprende gramática y vocabulario 1 by Francisca Castro Viúdez
  3. Aprende gramática y vocabulario 2 by Francisca Castro Viúdez, Pilar Díaz Ballesteros
  4. Las babas del diablo [Cuento] by Julio Cortázar
  5. Óscar, agente secreto (Óscar #9) by Carmen Kurtz

Polish 🇵🇱

  1. Cylinder van Troffa by Janusz A. Zajdel
  2. Wyjście z cienia by Janusz A. Zajdel
  3. Trzynascie lat podrozy by Kir Bułyczow
  4. Cała prawda o planecie Ksi by Janusz A. Zajdel
  5. Drugie spojrzenie na planetę Ksi by Janusz A. Zajdel, Marcin Kowalczyk
  6. Narzeczona nazisty by Barbara Wysoczańska

Ukrainian 🇺🇦

  1. Кайдашева сім’я – Іван Нечуй-Левицький
  2. Погоня – Василь Лис

Russian 🇷🇺

  1. Сожженная Москва – Григорий Данилевский
  2. Юнкера – Александр Куприн
  3. Кудеяр – Николай Костомаров
  4. Как написать гениальный роман – Джеймс Н. Фрэй
  5. Архиерей – Антон Чехов
  6. Морфий – Михаил Булгаков
  7. Жизнь и приключения сарая номер XII – Виктор Пелевин
  8. Иван Алексеевич Бунин. Собрание сочинений: Легкое дыхание, Господин из Сан-Франциско, Грамматика любви – Иван Бунин
  9. Алеша Горшок – Лев Толстой
  10. ПИСАТЬ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО Как побороть прокрастинацию, перфекционизм и творческие кризисы – Хиллари Реттиг
  11. Хаджи-Мурат – Лев Толстой
  12. Двое в декабре. Рассказы. – Юрий Казаков
  13. Легкие миры – Татьяна Толстая
  14. Рассказы – Людмила Улицкая
  15. Хрустальный мир – Виктор Пелевин
  16. Обломов – Иван Гончаров
  17. Жизнь через сто лет – Григорий Данилевский
  18. Княжна Тараканова – Григорий Данилевский
  19. Одноклассники бывшими не бывают – Ашира Хаан
  20. Ради тебя – Леся Романова (reread)
  21. Живой как жизнь. О русском языке – Корней Чуковский
  22. Рыжие, гнедые, серые, вороные – Александр Куприн
  23.  Петербургские трущобы – Всеволод Крестовский
  24. Отец Сергий – Лев Толстой
  25. Казаки – Лев Николаевич Толстой
  26. Чудесный доктор – Александр Куприн
  27. Олеся – Александр Куприн
  28. Отцы и дети – Иван Тургенев
  29. Дворянское гнездо – Иван Тургенев
  30. Тихий Дон – Михаил Шолохов
  31. Старосветские помещики – Николай Гоголь
  32. Портрет – Николай Гоголь
  33. Пиковая дама – Александр Пушкин
  34. Коляска – Николай Гоголь
  35. Самый красивый конь Борис Алмазов (reread)
  36. Как мы пишем – А. Белый, М. Горький, Е. Замятин, М. Зощенко, В. Каверин, Б. Лавренев, Ю. Либединский, Н. Никитин, Б. Пильняк, М. Слонимский, Н. Тихонов, А. Толстой, Ю. Тынянов, К. Федин, О. Форш, А. Чапыгин, В. Шишков, В. Шкловский
  37. Прощайте и здравствуйте, кони! – Борис Алмазов
  38. Война и мир – Лев Толстой

Armenian 🇦🇲

  1. Армянские волшебные сказки (Armenian Fairy Tales adapted by Ilya Frank’s readings method)
  2. Քեռի Ֆեոդորը, շունը և կատուն – Էդուարդ Ուսպենսկի (Uncle Fedya, His Dog, and His Cat by Eduard Uspensky)
  3. Փոքրիկ Մուքը – Վիլհելմ Գաուֆ (The Story of little Muck by Wilhelm Hauff)

All the books I read in 2020!

Here are all 39 books I read in 2020 – in English, Spanish, Polish, Russian and Belarusian.

English 🇺🇲

1) Scorched by Michael Soll
2) The One Safe Place by Tania Unsworth
3) The Rise of Homo Sapiens: The Evolution of Modern Thinking by Frederick L. Coolidge, Thomas Wynn
4) Microcosm: E. Coli and the New Science of Life by Carl Zimmer
5) Rabbits with Horns and Other Astounding Viruses (Chicago Shorts) by Carl Zimmer
6) Horses in Fact and Fiction – An Anthology by Åke Runnquist
7) Poultry Behaviour and Welfare by Michael C. Appleby, J.A. Mench, B.O. Hughes
8) In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth by J.P. Mallory
9) First Light by Rebecca Stead
10) The Cold King by Amber Jaeger
11) House of Stairs by William Sleator
12) A Different Blue by Amy Harmon
13) The Distance Between Us by Kasie West
14) 10 Rules for Achieving English Fluency: Learn how to successfully learn English as a foreign language by Anthony Kelleher
15) The Black Death: A History from Beginning to End by Henry Freeman
16) Creativity in Human Evolution and Prehistory by Steven Mithen
17) The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman
18) Double Helix by Nancy Werlin
19) Ten Interesting Things about Human Behavior by Suzanne L. Davis
20) Don’t Fall by Rachel Schieffelbein

Read more…

Spanish 🇪🇸

1) Su Alteza, el Intérprete: El fascinante mundo de la traducción simultánea – Ewandro Magalhaes
2) Parasitología Veterinaria – M. Cordero del Campillo, F. A Rojo Vázquez
3) Una Nota Falsa (Lola Lago detective 2) – Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans
4) Poderoso Caballero (Lola Lago detective 3) – Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans
5) Por Amor Al Arte (Lola Lago detective 4) – Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans
6) La Llamada de la Habana (Lola Lago detective 5) – Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans
7) Lejos de Casa (Lola Lago detective 6) – Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans
8) ¿Eres tú, María? (Lola Lago detective 7) – Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans

Polish 🇵🇱

1) Harry Potter i Kamień Filozoficzny (Harry Potter 1) – J.K. Rowling
2) Harry Potter i Komnata Tajemnic (Harry Potter 2) – J.K. Rowling
3) Harry Potter i Więzień Azkabanu (Harry Potter 3) – J.K. Rowling
4) Legendy Polskie – Wanda Chotomska

Russian 🇷🇺

1) А. С. Пушкин. Письма к жене
2) Диктор телевидения – Брус Льюис
3) Речевой тренинг. Дикция и произношение – Л.Д. Алфёрова
4) Экологическая паразитология – К. Кеннеди
5) Медицинская паразитология – под ред. Н.В. Чебушева
6) Научные основы экологической паразитологии – В.И. Трухачев, В.П. Толоконников, И.О. Лысенко

Belarusian 🇧🇾

1) Старасвецкія міфы горада Б – Людміла Рублеўская

All the books I read in 2019!

Here are all 32 books I read in 2019 – in English, Spanish, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian

English 🇺🇲

  1. English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate by Mark Hancock
  2. The King Must Die (Theseus #1) by Mary Renault
  3. The Bull from the Sea (Theseus #2) by Mary Renault
  4. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age by Charles H. Hapgood
Read more…

Spanish 🇪🇸

  1. Angélica y su amor (La Marquesa de los Ángeles, #6) by Anne Golon

Polish 🇵🇱

  1. Hurra!!! Po Polsku (v. 1) by Małgorzata Małolepsza
  2. Hurra!!! Po Polsku: Student’s Textbook v. 1 by Małgorzata Małolepsza
  3. Dziewczynka z zapałkami by Hans Christian Andersen
  4. Przełęcz. Osada by Kir Bulychev

Ukrainian 🇺🇦

  1. Чарівник Країни Оз – L. Frank Baum
  2. Жовтий туман. Таємниця покинутого замку (Чарівник Смарагдового міста, #5-6) – Alexander Volkov

Russian 🇷🇺

  1. Кормление сельскохозяйственных животных – Г.А. Богданов (1981)
  2. Кормление сельскохозяйственных животных – И.С. Попов (1935)
  3. Кормление сельскохозяйственной птицы – В. Шафров, К. Рождественский
  4. Птицеводство – Г.П. Иоцюс, Н.И. Старчиков
  5. Справочник птицевода – С.И. Боголюбский, В.Г. Васильев, Г.И. Иоцюс и др. (Под ред. С.И. Сметнева).
  6. Бройлерное птицеводство – И.А. Мымрин
  7. Как я изучаю языки: Заметки полиглота – Като Ломб
  8. Искусники планеты Ксанаду – Теодор Старджон (reread)
  9. Звездные врата (сборник) – Андрэ Нортон
  10. Барышня-крестьянка – А.С. Пушкин (reread)
  11. Два капитана – Вениамин Каверин (reread)
  12. Алый Первоцвет – Эммушка Орци (reread)
  13. Анжелика и ее любовь – Анн и Серж Голон (reread)
  14. Анжелика в Новом свете – Анн и Серж Голон (reread)
  15. Анжелика и Демон – Анн и Серж Голон (reread)
  16. Анжелика и заговор теней – Анн и Серж Голон (reread)
  17. Анжелика в Квебеке – Анн и Серж Голон (reread)
  18. Похищение чародея – Кир Булычев (reread)
  19. Любимец – Кир Булычев (reread)
  20. Фаэты (Фаэты #1-3) – Александр Казанцев (reread)
  21. Клокочущая пустота (сборник) – Александр Казанцев (reread)

All the books I read in 2018 in foreign languages!

Here are all 26 books I read in 2018 – in English, Spanish and Polish.

English 🇺🇲

  1. Essential Grammar in Use with Answers: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English by Raymond Murphy
  2. All Creatures Great and Small (All Creatures Great and Small, #1-2) by James Herriot
  3. Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition by Andrea J. Fascetti
  4. How to Learn Any Language: Quickly, Easily, Inexpensively, Enjoyably and on Your Own by Barry Farber
  5. Greenhouse Gardening: Greenhouse Gardening for Beginners by Nancy Ross
  6. Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture: A Practical Guide to Small-Scale, Integrative Farming and Gardening by Sepp Holzer
  7. The Porridge Book by Sambodhi Prem
  8. Saved by Grace by T.J. Rudolph
  9. Project Snow by Cherita Smith
  10. Time Between Us (Time Between Us, #1) by Tamara Ireland Stone
  11. Prisoner of My Desire by Johanna Lindsey
  12. What Happens Next by Colleen Clayton
  13. Teach Me by Amy Lynn Steele
  14. Heart on a Chain by Cindy C. Bennett
  15. The Strongest Ring by Laura Bradley Rede
  16. The Practice Date by Victorine E. Lieske
  17. Just Plain Weird by Tom Upton
  18. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: The Original Screenplay (Fantastic Beasts: The Original Screenplay, #2) by J.K. Rowling
Read more…

Spanish 🇪🇸

  1. …Pero se casan con las morenas by Dolores Soler-Espiauba        
  2. El Arte de Leer a las Personas – Lenguaje Corporal: Como leer a una persona como un libro solo por sus gestos corporals by Julieta Contreras   
  3. Funny Tales In Easy Spanish 1: Jaimito va a la escuela (Spanish for Beginners Series) by Álvaro Parra Pinto
  4. De cómo tu perro cambió mi vida: (y otros relatos sobre animales) by Javier Ruiz             
  5. Viajar en Forma: Tips para viajar el mundo de manera saludable by Berenice Suárez

Polish 🇵🇱

  1. Baśnie Polskie by Kazimierz Władysław Wójcicki
  2. Польские сказки (Polish Fairy Tales adapted by Ilya Frank’s readings method)
  3. Czarnoksiężnik z Krainy Oz by L. Frank Baum

All the books I read in 2017 in foreign languages!

Here are all 88 books I read in 2017 – in English and Spanish.

English 🇺🇲

  1. Veterinary Treatment for Working Equines by Graham R. Duncanson
  2. The Urban Hen: A practical guide to keeping poultry in a town or city by Paul Peacock
  3. Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow
  4. Horse Breeds of the World. the Horse Library by Brent Kelley
  5. Raising Dairy Goats: A Beginners Starters Guide to Raising Dairy Goats by Nancy Ross
  6. Raising Goats for Dummies by Cheryl K. Smith
  7. Beekeeping: A Beginners Guide To Beekeeping by Nancy Ross
  8. A Beginner’s Guide to Cacti – How to Make a Cactus Garden by Dueep J. Singh
  9. Cacti by Terry Hewitt
  10. The Pocket Encyclopedia of Cacti and Succulents in Color by Brian Michael Lamb
  11. Manual of Veterinary Dietetics by Tony Buffington
  12. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 2009 by P.C. Garnsworthy
  13. Small Animal Nutrition by Sandie Agar Vn C&G Cert in Small Animal Nutrition
  14. Fun & Easy Organic Dog Food: Quick Recipes for the Busy Dog Lover by Dennis Parker
  15. Ten acres enough: a practical experience, showing how a very small farm may be made to keep a very large family. With extensive and profitable experience in the cultivation of the smaller fruits by Edmund Morris
Read more…
  1. Wilderness Survival Guide: 20 Skills that Will Get You Out Alive: (Survival Books, Survival Guide, Survivalist, Safety, Urban Survival, Survival Skills Book, Prepper’s Guide) by Sarah Lewis
  2. What to Eat by Marion Nestle
  3. What to Eat: The Ten Things You Really Need to Know to Eat Well and Be Healthy by Luise Light
  4. Mastering the Real Paleo Diet: All You Can Eat Meat, and All You Can Handle Health and Leanness by Willy Mammoth         
  5. Pee Should Be Clear, Poop Should Float.: What your momma doesn’t know and your doctor won’t tell you by Leanne Goncalves
  6. The Pain of Arthritis: Finding Relief the Natural Way by Anne Wolski
  7. Anti Inflammatory Diet: Heal Your Body, Significantly Reduce Pain, and Keep Weight Off for Life by Asher Barmore
  8. Clinical Updates in Rheumatoid Arthritis: New Strategies to Target Remission and Individualize Comprehensive Care by Jonathan Kay
  9. Preventing Alzheimer’s & Dementia – Proven Tips and Techniques on How to Prevent, Delay, Detect, and Treat the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Disease by Kerry Elise      
  10. New Truth to the Fountain of Youth: The Emerging Reality of Anti-Aging Medicine by Theodore Goldsmith
  11. Transform Your Health: 10 Easy Habits to Lose Weight for Good: Diets Don’t Work. Healthy Habits Do. Start These 10 Lifestyle Habits Today to Transform … Feel Fantastic! by Natalie Loeffler
  12. Before and After: Real Stories of the 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks Programme by Thorbjörg
  13. Evolution of the Human Diet: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable (Human Evolution Series) by Peter S. Ungar
  14. Food Myths: Going Beyond the Health Food Fads and Getting Real about Science, Health, and Nutrition by Joey Lott
  15.  Eat Like the Ancient Incas: 10 Best Anti-Aging Superfoods You’ve Never Heard Of by Todor Djordjevic
  16. Unhealthy Eating Habits – The 10 Foods You Must Avoid In Order to Live a Long & Healthy Life (Healthy Eating, Superfoods) by Anna Walters
  17. Just Enough English Grammar Illustrated by Gabriele Stobbe
  18. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen
  19. The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe by Barry Cunliffe
  20. Human Evolution: An Illustrated Introduction by Roger Lewin
  21. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
  22. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  23. Rich Dad’s Prophecy: Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming…And How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It! by Robert T. Kiyosaki
  24. Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers by Timothy Ferriss
  25. Stop Acting Rich: …And Start Living Like a Real Millionaire by Thomas J. Stanley
  26. Living Well Spending Less: 12 Secrets of the Good Life by Ruth Soukup
  27. Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School by Andrew Hallam
  28. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker
  29. I Will Teach You To Be Rich: No guilt, no excuses – just a 6-week programme that works by Ramit Sethi
  30. More than Enough: The Ten Keys to Changing Your Financial Destiny by Dave Ramsey
  31. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
  32. Strange Magic by Suzana Thompson
  33. Last Minute Customers by Jessica E. Subject
  34. Choosing You by Jaylee James
  35. Mistletoe & Margaritas by Shannon Stacey
  36. Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
  37. Red at Night (Pushing the Limits, #3.5) by Katie McGarry
  38. The Host by Stephenie Meyer
  39. Fae Queen by Lynn Landes
  40. The Protectors: A Clean Paranormal Romance by T. N. Simmons
  41. Carpe Tempus by Daniel Adorno
  42. Thaw Me Out by G.B. Brulte
  43. The Mysterious Maid-Servant by Barbara Cartland
  44. Once a Princess (Cardinia’s Royal Family, #1) by Johanna Lindsey
  45. Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1) by Lisa Kleypas
  46. Transcendence by Shay Savage
  47. Ordinary Magic by Caitlen Rubino-Bradway
  48. Fallen Angel by Nathan McBride
  49. The Giver (The Giver, #1) by Lois Lowry
  50. Gathering Blue (The Giver, #2) by Lois Lowry
  51. Messenger (The Giver Quartet, #3) by Lois Lowry
  52. Son (The Giver, #4) by Lois Lowry

Spanish 🇪🇸

  1. Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (Harry Potter, #2) by J.K. Rowling
  2. Spanish Conversations: Realistic Conversations to Improve your Spanish – (Bilingual) – Increase Conversational and Reading Ability by Bakari Akil II
  3. Una Introducción a la Apiterapia: Cuando Nada Más Ayuda, Prueba el Poder de las Abejas by Paul Enders
  4. Amor por el café: El libro del café y su gastronomía by Benito García
  5. Comida para Homo Sabiondo: Descubre las mentiras de la nutrición, escapa de las dietas y rejuvenece con una alimentación saludable by Jota Norte
  6. DIETA MEDITERRANEA – Mejores Recetas de la Cocina Mediterranea Para Bajar de Peso Saludablemente, su Libro de Cocina Saludable, Deliciosas Recetas Saludables by Mario Fortunato
  7. DIETA ANTI ESTRÉS – Para reducir tensiones y ansiedad (Instante de BIENESTAR – Colección Dietas nº 14) (Instante de BIENESTAR – Colección Dietas nº 14) (Spanish Edition) by Mariano Orzola
  8. Salud ósea: Osteoporosis y osteopenia – Salud de los huesos, prueba de densidad en los huesos by Juan Pérez
  9. Intestino Vivo: Dietoterapia para Prevenir y Curar Enfermedades Gastrointestinales (SALUD Y NUTRICION) by Ingrid Peguero
  10. “Abuelo árbol”. Cuentos diferentes de fantasía, educación en valores, para niños de 5 a 8 años. Observar y escuchar en vez de mirar y oír. ¡¡¡Hay magia … :)!!!: Sí a los cuentos :) by Marlia Alaram
  11. ¡Clima Extremo! El Clima para los Niños, Libro Sobre las Tormentas: Huracanes, Tornados, Ventiscas, Tormentas Eléctricas y Mucho Más (Kid’s Nature Books Series) by Leanne Annett
  13. MEJORE SUS FINANZAS by Francisco Alcaina
  14. Mi perro diabético by Alejandro Azadte
  15. Curiosidades de La Guía Perruna: La Psicología Canina by Lorena Garcia
  16. Mi primer gatito: La guía de adopción y cuidado de tu primer mascota (Tus mascotas nº 1) by José Luis Cortés
  17. Me gusta tener mi habitación limpia by Shelley Admont
  18. El mago del desierto by Marta Villegas
  19. Historia de un pequeño ángel: Cuento para niños by Fabiana Iglesias
  20. Las Mágicas Aventuras De Carlitos E Isabel by Felicity McCullough
  21. Оскар – секретный агент by Кармен Курц (книга, адаптированная по методу Ильи Франка)

All the books I read in 2016 in foreign languages!

Here are all 75 books I read in 2016 – in English and Spanish.

English 🇺🇲

  1. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two (Harry Potter, #8) by J.K. Rowling
  2. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay by J.K. Rowling
  3. Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1) by Beth Revis
  4.  A Million Suns (Across the Universe, #2) by Beth Revis
  5. Shades of Earth (Across the Universe, #3) by Beth Revis
  6. Leaving Paradise (Leaving Paradise, #1) by Simone Elkeles
  7. Return to Paradise (Leaving Paradise, #2) by Simone Elkeles
  8. Life As We Knew It (Last Survivors, #1) by Susan Beth Pfeffer
  9. The Dead and the Gone (Last Survivors, #2) by Susan Beth Pfeffer
  10. This World We Live In (Last Survivors, #3) by Susan Beth Pfeffer
  11. Johnny Mackintosh and the Spirit of London by Keith Mansfield
  12. Johnny Mackintosh: Star Blaze by Keith Mansfield
  13. Johnny Mackintosh: Battle for Earth by Keith Mansfield
Read more…
  1. They Say Love Is Blind by Pepper Pace
  2. Babygirl and the Mean Boss by Pepper Pace
  3. Angel Over My Shoulder by Pepper Pace
  4. Stranded! by Pepper Pace
  5. The City Under Ground by Suzanne Martel
  6. Children of the Dust by Louise Lawrence
  7. Hex: A Witch and Angel Tale by Ramona Wray
  8. The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs by Richard Alan Miller
  9. The Forgotten Door by Alexander Key
  10. When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
  11. A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn
  12. Keeper of the Keys by Kodilynn Calhoun
  13. Dragon’s Bait by Vivian Vande Velde
  14. Old Magic by Marianne Curley
  15. His Eyes by Renee Carter
  16. EOTW Diary by Rod Ellis
  17. The Magnificent Marriage by Barbara Cartland
  18. The Suitcase Kid by Jacqueline Wilson
  19. Sugar and Spice by Jean Ure
  20. Love Letters by Anne Cassidy
  21. Tom’s Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce
  22. Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock
  23. Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock
  24. This Erratic Planet: What Happens When the Earth Changes Its Axis of Rotation by Ian Niall Rankin
  25. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
  26. Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Robert T. Kiyosaki
  27. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley
  28. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
  29. The Jungle Effect: A Doctor Discovers the Healthiest Diets from Around the World–Why They Work and How to Bring Them Home by Daphne Miller
  30. The Fattening of America: How the Economy Makes Us Fat, If It Matters, and What to Do about It by Eric A. Finkelstein
  31. Towards 2020 the genetic influence on obesity and associated disease by Margarita Rivera
  32. Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual by Michael Pollan
  33.  Anti Inflammatory Diet Protocol: How to Beat Chronic Inflammation, Lose Weight and Heal Your Body with Whole Foods (Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Book 5) by Jessica Campbell
  34. Paleo Diet: The Simple Paleo Guide for Beginners – How to Eat Healthy, Feel Amazing & Look Great Naked by Daniel Davis
  35. Mediterranean Diet: Enjoy Heart Healthy Food, Lose Weight and Keep It Off! by Sandra Wright
  36. Diet & Nutrition Tips for People Over 40 by Hadley Howard
  37. Getting Started with Your Working Chicken: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Backyard Eggs & Meat by Anna Hess
  38. The Right Way to Keep Ponies by Hugh Venables
  39. Horse Riders Handbook by Monty Mortimer
  40. Horse Anatomy Coloring Book by John Green
  41. Conservation Genetics of Endangered Horse Breeds by Imre Bodo
  42. The Polyglot Project: How to Learn Multiple Languages by Claude Cartaginese

Spanish 🇪🇸

  1. Cuentos Maravillosos de Hadas Españoles – Испанские волшебные сказки, адаптированные по методу Ильи Франка
  2. Русско-испанский разговорник by Ирина Касперская
  3. Испанский язык by Оскар Перлин
  4. The Usborne Picture Dictionary in Spanish: Internet Referenced (Picture Dictionaries) by Felicity Brooks
  6. Todo sobre la papa by Edelnor Endesa
  7. Verano en Suecia / Summer in Sweden by Anette Henningson
  8. El libro de las estrellas by Lourdes Benito
  9. Luna Eva rescata un león, Luna Eva Rescues a Lion: Cuento bilingüe español – inglés, Bilingual story Spanish – English (Las Aventuras de Luna Eva – Luna Eva Adventures nº 1) by Alonso Ramos
  10. El Mes de Mayo: libros para niños by Dr. C.
  11. El Mes de Marzo: libros para niños by Dr. C.
  12. Una Corona Nueva by José Sandarena
  13. Me Encanta Comer Frutas y Verduras – I Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables by Shelley Admont
  14. El Camarero de la 7ª Avenida by Angel Luis Montilla
  15. El Enigma de Monterrubio by Concha Moreno
  16. Colección El Mediterráneo. Trapos sucios by Jordi Surís Jordà
  17. ¿Dónde está Sonia? by Jordi Surís Jordà
  18. El secreto de las flores by Jordi Surís Jordà
  19. La chica del tren by Jordi Surís Jordà
  20. Amnesia (Cambridge Spanish) by José Luis Ocasar Ariza

All the books I read in 2015 in foreign languages! 🇺🇲 🇪🇸

Here are all 44 books I read in 2015 – in English and Spanish.

English 🇺🇲

  1. The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
  2. This Time of Darkness by Helen Mary Hoover
  3. The Pull of Destiny by Hotcheri
  4. The City of Ember (Book of Ember, #1) by Jeanne DuPrau
  5. The People of Sparks (Book of Ember, #2) by Jeanne DuPrau
  6. The Prophet of Yonwood (Book of Ember, #3) by Jeanne DuPrau
  7. The Diamond of Darkhold (Book of Ember, #4) by Jeanne DuPrau
  8. Ashfall (Ashfall, #1) by Mike Mullin
  9. Ashen Winter (Ashfall, #2) by Mike Mullin
  10. Sunrise (Ashfall, #3) by Mike Mullin
  11. Obsidian (Lux, #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  12. Onyx (Lux, #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  13. Opal (Lux, #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  14. Origin (Lux, #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  15. Opposition (Lux, #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Read more…
  1. Almost by Anne Eliot
  2. Owl in Love by Patrice Kindl
  3. The Journals of Kara and Jason by Charlie Wood              
  4. Departure by Travis Hill
  5. Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies, #1) by Isaac Marion
  6. The Black Stallion (The Black Stallion, #1) by Walter Farley
  7. Daniel and the Angel (Christmas in the City, #1) by Jill Barnett
  8. Crash by Pepper Pace
  9. On the Island (On the Island, #1) by Tracey Garvis-Graves
  10. Forever Changed by Tiffany King
  11. Perfect Pair by Marilyn Conner Miles
  12. Gabriel’s Angel by Nora Roberts
  13. First Impressions by Nora Roberts
  14. My Fake Summer Boyfriend by Ann Herrick
  15. Ever Mine by Eden Ashe
  16. Aftershock by Jill Shalvis
  17. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
  18. An Orchard Invisible: A Natural History of Seeds by Jonathan Silvertown
  19. Conversations with Horse: An Uncommon Dialog of Equine Wisdom by Kate Solisti-Mattelon
  20. The Perfect Pony (Sandy Lane Stables, #8) by Michelle Bates
  21. Ship or Sheep? An Intermediate Pronunciation Course by Ann Baker

Spanish 🇪🇸

  1. El maravilloso mago de Oz by L. Frank Baum
  2. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Harry Potter, #1) by J.K. Rowling
  3. La isla del diablo (Aventura para 3) by Alonso Santamarina
  4. Vacaciones al sol (Lola Lago detective #1) by Lourdes Miquel
  5. El Zorro [With CD] by Johnston McCulley
  6. Sueña 1. Libro del Alumno A1-A2. Marco europeo de referencia + CD Audio by María Ángeles Álvarez Martínez
  7. Sueña 1. Cuaderno de Ejercicios by María Ángeles Álvarez Martínez
  8. Испанский шутя. 100 анекдотов для начального чтения – Книга, адаптированная по методу Ильи Франка