I did it!

I’ve just finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling. I did it at last! I’ve read all seven Harry Potter books in English!
It wasn’t an easy read for me, because there were many slang words and a lot of English idioms there.
At the very beginning I wasn’t a Harry Potter fan at all. In fact, I was just learning English language by reading. But the more I read, the more I like it, and now I consider myself to be the ultimate Harry Potter and Snape fan.
I think, I admire Snape more than Harry Potter. Snape is a complicated man but it made him very real and full of life. And I believe Snape isn’t dead! He is a very powerful wizard and I don’t see a reason why snake’s venom could kill the school’s Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts Master! So, I hope we’ll see a continuation of the story line soon. I’m nearly 100% sure about that. :)

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

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