Here are some of my first attempts to write (in my native language Russian 🇷🇺)

Рассказы (short stories)

Цикл лошадиные истории:

“Подарок Деда Мороза” – рождественская история (a short christmas story)
“Кощей и мышь” – сказка про Кощея (a fairytale about Koschei the Deathless)
“Волшебный Пендель и Солнышко” – маленькая сказка (a short fairytale)
“Каракатицы из-за моря” – моя первая сказка (my first fairy tale)
“Письмо из прошлого” – короткий рассказ (a short story)
“Ма-а” – рассказ-фантазия (a fantasy short story)
“Встреча у подъезда” – короткий рассказ-диалог (a short story containing only dialogue)
“Призвание” – мой первый рассказ (my first ever short story)

Стихи (poems)

“Царица” (2001-2002)
“Я теряю друзей” (6 марта 2022)
Нельзя не сказать” (19 сентября 2022)

Dear friends, I’m completely new to the world of writing, and it is very difficult for me to evaluate my work myself. I would really appreciate all your feedback, any corrections and any advice you could give on how to improve my writing. Thank you so much for your help!


Also here is my Ph.D. thesis (in Russian):

Ph.D. thesis (full text)
Ph.D. thesis (abstract)