English books I’ve read in 2014

1) The Ivory Tower (a dystopian YA short story) by Kirstin Pulioff.
What a read! This short story blew me away. Amazing, just amazing!

2) Enchanted Castle (Book 1 in The Enchanted Castle Series) by Chrissy-Peebles.

3) A Measure of Disorder (Book 1 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
It was definitely one of the best books I read this year! I really loved the setting, the descriptions, the writing. I enjoyed every page!

4) A Cure for Chaos (Book 2 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
It’s a great read for YA and older readers!

5) Mother’s Heart (Book 3 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
Great books, all three of them! The author has created a unique and believable world with great characters and storylines. I love Jenni and Sara, Brandon and Bonnie, Alisha and Crank, Denny, Lori, Todd… even Mogritas. They are all so real! I miss them already. Hope to find more books as good as these someday!

6) My Mr. Rochester. Episode 1 (Jane Eyre Retold) by L.K. Rigel.
No… I’m sorry.

7) The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution by George John Romanes. (London: MACMILLAN AND CO., 1882).
It was well written and interesting work. I am so glad I found this book!

8) Angelique in Love (Book 5 in Angelique Series) by Sergeanne Golon.
To tell the truth, Russian translation of the book is much better. I would love to be able to read it in the original language (French) one day.

9) Perfect Chemistry (Book 1 in Perfect Chemistry Series) by Simone Elkeles.
A good easy read but slightly predictable at the end. And too many swear words…

10) Rules of Attraction (Book 2 in Perfect Chemistry Series) by Simone Elkeles.
It was just too similar to the first book in the series.

11) Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Book 1 in Tragic Magic Series) by Sheena Boekweg.
A great plot twist! I loved this book!

12) Anna and the French Kiss (Book 1 in Anna and the French Kiss Series) by Stephanie Perkins.
It was the first English book that I couldn’t finish…

13) The Secret by Taylor Hart.
This was an interesting quick read but I expected a bit more.

14) My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick.
I loved this book so much! This is a very sweet and touching story about family, love and choices we make. Very well written!

15) Hell’s Hollow by Summer Stone.
A good debut book. Interesting but slightly boring sometimes.

16) The Pull of Destiny by Cheri Pye (hotcheri).
I’m reading it right now and I love this book! I really enjoy every chapter, every page of it. What a great read! Thank you, author!


I hope I will be able to read books in Spanish and Polish soon! :)

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Mother’s Heart

I finished reading the last book of the Mother-Earth Trilogy:
Mother’s Heart (Book 3) by Alan Tucker. (Publication Date: February 22, 2012. 348 pages).
Great books, all three of them! The author has created a unique and believable world with great characters and storylines. I love Jenni and Sara, Brandon and Bonnie, Alisha and Crank, Denny, Lori, Todd… even Mogritas. They are all so real! I miss them already. Hope to find more books as good as these someday!

Some interesting expressions from the last book:
drop a monkey wrench = throw a monkey wrench = to cause something that is going smoothly to stop = т.е. что-то вроде нашего выражения «вставлять палки в колеса» (Jenni hoped she had dropped a monkey wrench in Mogritas’ plans by delaying the additional help he’d requested);
if anything = пожалуй, если на то пошло (If anything, the great dragon had increased in size since she’d first seen him);
I’ll bite = я сдаюсь, (иногда) не знаю («Okay», Sara said. «I’ll bite. What are you going to do with us?»);
keep in the loop = keep in the picture = держать в курсе дела, информировать (Colonel sighed, «General O’Neil didn’t exactly keep me in the loop as to what he was doing…»);
knock one’s socks off = заставить обалдеть, удивить, поразить кого-либо (The friends were on winter break from school in Colorado Springs, but one them, Rick, was failing their Earth science class and needed a final project to knock the teacher’s socks off);
long story short… = если коротко, то…
nothing short of smth. = нечто иное, как; полное (The control these Masters’ have over the country seems nothing short of absolute);
off the wall = strange, out of the ordinary, stupid (Hard to figure out dreams some times. They can be so off the wall);
spring for = раскошелиться, раскрутиться на («I missed my birthday», Jenni said aloud. «Sweet sixteen! Most girls would have been busy with big parties, getting their driver’s license, and wondering if their parents might spring for a car as a present»);
tip the balance = turn the balance = turn the scale(s) = перевесить, склонить чашу весов («That boy’s future depends on us», Crank thought suddenly. «We need to do something to tip the balance of this war»);
up front = честный, открытый, искренний (He understood the logic of it all; he just wished Ba’ize and the others had been up front about it).

P.S. What to read next? Let’s see… The Perfect Chemistry Trilogy?.. Yes! I’m definitely looking forward to this series!

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Just finished the second book in the Mother-Earth Series

A Cure for Chaos (Book 2 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker. (Publication Date: January 24, 2011. 348 pages)
Can’t wait for the last book!

Some useful words and expressions:
a far cry = большая разница, как небо и земля, совсем не то, что (He had topped out at five foot ten, a far cry from the foot and a half he was when Jenni had first seen him);
death sentence = смертельный приговор (Despite the words, the emotions behind them sounded like a death sentence and Jenni had to turn away);
dog paddle (разг. америк.) = doggy paddle (разг. брит.) = плавание по-собачьи (He started dog paddling his way to the eastern bank);
in sequence = один за другим, последовательно (The bulb in the lamp post directly ahead of them burst, followed by the rest in sequence along the fence line);
make oneself scarce = удрать, улизнуть, стараться не попадаться на глаза (Alisha had made herself scarce as much as possible, retreating to her former quarters and enjoying the comparative wealth of comforts);
oh brother = блин («Oh, brother. Thank goodness I asked about it!»);
school of fish = стая рыб;
small game = мелкая дичь (Once inside the forest, the bowmen became more active, bringing down small game whenever they flushed some out of hiding);
square one = самое начало (He sighed. «So I guess we’re back to square one»);
to leave smb. to his (her) own devices = предоставить кого-либо самому себе (The next day, Jenni left her mother to her own devices);
water under the bridge = something that happened in the past and can’t be changed («Water under the bridge, Roger,» Mrs. Osorio said. «The past year or so has been hard on all of us»);
window-shop = to look at goods in shop windows without buying them (After they ate, the two of them window shopped in silence).

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

I would highly recommend this book!

I finished reading A Measure of Disorder (Book1 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker. (Publication Date: April 30, 2010. 352 pages).
Well, I’m hooked! It’s a great read for YA and older readers. I really want to know what happens next! Looking forward to the second and third books in the series.

Some useful words and expressions:
be up and about = выздороветь, быть снова на ногах (A couple of days later, Jenni was able to be up and about again);
(be) out of one’s element = не в своей стихии, не в своей тарелке (He was completely out of his element);
call to order = открыть, начать (The meeting of the Council is called to order);
for all one cares = плевать, не колышет, нет никакого дела (This whole place could be used as a toxic waste dump for all she cared);
mom and pop business = семейный бизнес, небольшое семейное предприятие (She saw a couple of gas stations, a bar, and a few «mom and pop» businesses on the main street);
pack away = есть много (еды) (She couldn’t believe how much food they could pack away);
pull out all the stops = выложиться по полной, очень постараться (Alisha sat down at the table suspiciously. Mogritas had pulled out all stops for this dinner);
to give a wide berth to = обходить что-либо (кого-либо), избегать кого-либо (The army hurried to obey, giving the leader a wide berth);
velcro = застежка «липучка» (The pouch had a Velcro closure that held the player securely).

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

A Measure of Disorder

A Measure of Disorder (Book1 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker. (Publication Date: April 30, 2010. 352 pages).

A few days ago when I first started reading this book, I was a little skeptical about the plot. I even posted that I didn’t like the story that much…
How wrong I was! I’m about half way through the book right now and I have to take my words back.
The book is just amazing! I really love the setting, the descriptions, the writing. I enjoy every page!

Some useful words and expressions:
beats me = не могу понять, сдаюсь, ума не приложу (Jenni tapped Sara on the shoulder. «What’s that?» Sara looked up and shrugged. «Beats me»);
bobbi pin = hairgrip, kirby grip (UK) = a type of hairpin, usually of metal or plastic (He tried to catch fish by using a bobby pin bent into a hook shape);
bottom line = итог, резюме («Bottom line is», she said, «we leave in the morning»);
dragon lore = драконология (по аналогии с bird lore = орнитология);
for that matter = коли на то пошло, по правде говоря (She smiled at him. «I’d like to know what happened to my friends. Mr. Kain too, for that matter»);
good riddance = used when you lose something and you are happy about it = счастливо, скатертью дорога («And good riddance I say.» Mrs. Minch spat. «They shouldn’t have separated my daughter from me!»);
it’s up to her (him, etc.) = ей (ему) решать, от нее (него) зависит («Well, the way I see it», Brandon replied, «it’s pretty much up to her»);
litterbug = a person who leaves garbage in a public place, such as a park or a street; one who litters (No one wanted to chance angering the forest people by being a litterbug);
much as = even though, although (Mush as she loved her, Jenni was glad her mother hadn’t decided to come);
not half bad = pretty good, good enough (Jenni looked in the pocket mirror and smiled at what she saw. Not half bad!);
sub sandwich = a submarine sandwich = it’s a sandwich that consists of a long roll of Italian or French bread, split widthwise either into two pieces or opened in a «V» on one side, and filled with variety of meats, cheeses, vegetables and sauces. The sandwich has no standardized name, and many U.S. regions have their own names for it: sub (widespread), hoagie (Philadelphia), hero (New York), grinder (New England), etc.
take at face value = what one can actually hear, read or see; literally («Are you just going to take that at face value?» – She laughed);
take in stride = to meet happenings without too much surprise (She took the interruption in stride);
the Big Dipper = Большая Медведица (созвездие);
to get the hang of smth. = освоить, овладеть чем-либо (It had taken him a few tries to get the hang of snatching a deer while in flight);
to turn the tables (up) on smb. = бить противника его же оружием, поменяться ролями (Behind her, Jenni could hear the screams and shouts of their unlucky attackers, who had the tables turned on them once again);
tube top = a shoulderless, sleeveless women’s garment that wraps around the upper torso;
visit = (US and Canadian informal) a friendly talk or chat (He indicated to the chairs and said. «Please, let’s sit and visit».)

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.