El secreto de Lena (Lena’s Secret) by Michael Ende. Book in Spanish.
Un libro muy interesante que he leído recientemente y me ha gustado mucho.
El secreto de Lena (Lena’s Secret) by Michael Ende. Book in Spanish.
Un libro muy interesante que he leído recientemente y me ha gustado mucho.
I’ve just finished reading the first chapter of Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal – the first Harry Potter book in Spanish.
Thanks for Lingvo, Multitran and a variety of Spanish language websites – they all really helped me a lot in understanding what is going on (happening?) in the story.
So, now I’m looking forward for the next chapters.
This entry was originally posted on my Facebook page.
So here’s my list of the most influential books in my life so far (in no particular order).
I was raised on them and I have reread (or relisten to) some of them so many times that these books had become like old friends and teachers to me. (And parents, the very ones I’d never had…)
Books in English:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
One word: great
Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
One word: epochal
The Diddakoi by Rumer Godden
One word: brilliant
The Mother-Earth Series by Alan Tucker
One word: imagination
The Linguist: A personal guide to language learning by Steve Kaufmann (audiobook)
One word: inspirational
Books in Russian:
Волшебник изумрудного города (цикл из 6 книг). А.М. Волков (Magic Land series by A. Volkov)
One word: amazing
Горе от ума. А.С. Грибоедов (Woe from Wit or The Woes of Wit by A. Griboyedov)
One word: excellent
Барышня-крестьянка. А.С. Пушкин (Baryshnya-krestyanka or The Squire’s Daughter by A. Pushkin)
One word: genius
Пылающий остров. А.П. Казанцев (Burning Island by A. Kazantsev)
One word: history
Фаэты. А.П. Казанцев (The Destruction of Faena by A. Kazantsev)
One word: future
Клокочущая пустота. А.П. Казанцев
One word: ancestry
Поселок. Кир Булычев (Village or Those Who Survive by Kir Bulychov)
One word: truth
Любимец. Кир Булычев (A Pet by Kir Bulychov)
One word: thought-provoking
Анжелика (серия из 13-и книг). Анн и Серж Голон (The Angélique Series of 13 books by Anne and Serge Golon)
One word: fantastic
Королева Марго. А. Дюма (Queen Margot by Alexandre Dumas)
One word: courage
Браслет 2. Лев Брандт
One word: spirit
Самый красивый конь. Б. Алмазов (The Most Beautiful Horse by В. Almazov)
One word: childhood
Седлайте коней! П.В. Боярский
One word: start
Книга о кактусах. И.А. Залетаева (A book of cacti by I. Zaletaeva)
One word: wonderful
Как я изучаю языки. Като Ломб (Polyglot: How I Learn Languages by Kato Lomb)
One word: respect
Books in Spanish:
Color de Fuego by Carmen Kurtz
One word: tear-stained
This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.