What I’m reading in March 2022? Two good classic books in different languages!
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (in English)
Обломов by Иван Гончаров (in Russian)
What I’m reading in March 2022? Two good classic books in different languages!
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (in English)
Обломов by Иван Гончаров (in Russian)
Here are all 49 books I read in 2021 – in English, Spanish, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian.
What I’m currently reading? Two great books in different languages!
Paradyzja by Janusz A. Zajdel (in Polish)
Сожженная Москва by Grigory Danilevsky (in Russian)
I’d like to read these books someday:
Treasures of Morrow by H. M. Hoover (1976)
The Delikon by H. M. Hoover (1978)
Away Is a Strange Place to Be by H. M. Hoover (1990)
How do I find time to read?
I read everywhere, whenever I can, even if I have only a couple of minutes. I read on the train, read while standing in a queue, I read at a café etc, etc.
You can always find time to read if you have a really good book with you. The book that you just can’t put down!
Here are all 39 books I read in 2020 – in English, Spanish, Polish, Russian and Belarusian.
1) Scorched by Michael Soll
2) The One Safe Place by Tania Unsworth
3) The Rise of Homo Sapiens: The Evolution of Modern Thinking by Frederick L. Coolidge, Thomas Wynn
4) Microcosm: E. Coli and the New Science of Life by Carl Zimmer
5) Rabbits with Horns and Other Astounding Viruses (Chicago Shorts) by Carl Zimmer
6) Horses in Fact and Fiction – An Anthology by Åke Runnquist
7) Poultry Behaviour and Welfare by Michael C. Appleby, J.A. Mench, B.O. Hughes
8) In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth by J.P. Mallory
9) First Light by Rebecca Stead
10) The Cold King by Amber Jaeger
11) House of Stairs by William Sleator
12) A Different Blue by Amy Harmon
13) The Distance Between Us by Kasie West
14) 10 Rules for Achieving English Fluency: Learn how to successfully learn English as a foreign language by Anthony Kelleher
15) The Black Death: A History from Beginning to End by Henry Freeman
16) Creativity in Human Evolution and Prehistory by Steven Mithen
17) The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman
18) Double Helix by Nancy Werlin
19) Ten Interesting Things about Human Behavior by Suzanne L. Davis
20) Don’t Fall by Rachel Schieffelbein
You can never have too many books, right?
Książek nigdy za wiele, prawda?
Книг много не бывает, правда?
Выбрались на годовщину свадьбы в город. Муж купил… инсталляцию для унитаза, а я подарила себе книжку.
18 лет вместе все-таки.
Here are all 32 books I read in 2019 – in English, Spanish, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian
Заказала на Алибе:
1) Шафров В., Рождественский К. Кормление сельскохозяйственной птицы. Уч. пособ. М., 1980г. 304 с. Мягкий переплет, обычный формат.
2) Богданов Г.А. Кормление сельскохозяйственных животных. М. Колос, 1981г. 432 с. Твердый переплет, обычный формат.
3) Попов И.С. Кормление сельскохозяйственных животных. М., Л. Сельхозгиз, 1935г. 550 с. Твердый переплет, обычный формат.
4) Максимова М.В. Азбука вязания. Изд. 5-е, с ил. М Легпромбытиздат, 1988г. 240 с. Твердый переплет, энциклопедический формат.