When the Ashes Fall

Прочитала When the Ashes Fall by Jacqueline Druga. Сначала было очень интересно, но потом интерес начал угасать и дочитывала до конца уже без особого энтузиазма. Хорошая книга, но я ожидала бОльшего.

Выписала только две фразы:
T-bone = broadside (collision) = врезаться в бок автомобиля;
jack = самая малость, чуточка (You know jack…).

“О всех созданиях – больших и малых” – на английском

Книга Джеймса Хэрриота “О всех созданиях – больших и малых” – одна из самых любимых книг моего детства. Брала ее в библиотеке много раз: читала, сдавала, а через какое-то время снова брала.
И вот, наконец-то в первый раз прочитала ее в оригинале – All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot
Смеялась и плакала, иногда одновременно. Удивительный талант у автора – умение перенести читателя в описываемые события настолько, что ты просто не можешь оторваться от истории.
И даже зная, чем дело кончится, ты каждый раз, как в первый, переживаешь за героев книги, всех без исключения, людей и животных с одинаковой силой!

Кстати, в оригинальной версии все это еще сильнее ощущается. И возможно поэтому я читала книгу так долго. Просто… не хотелось, чтобы она заканчивалась. Хотелось побыть с персонажами еще немного подольше.

Начала читать: 20 декабря 2017 г.
Закончила читать: 22 февраля 2018 г.
Моя оценка: 5 из 5 (Была бы возможность – поставила бы выше!)

English books I’ve read in 2014

1) The Ivory Tower (a dystopian YA short story) by Kirstin Pulioff.
What a read! This short story blew me away. Amazing, just amazing!

2) Enchanted Castle (Book 1 in The Enchanted Castle Series) by Chrissy-Peebles.

3) A Measure of Disorder (Book 1 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
It was definitely one of the best books I read this year! I really loved the setting, the descriptions, the writing. I enjoyed every page!

4) A Cure for Chaos (Book 2 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
It’s a great read for YA and older readers!

5) Mother’s Heart (Book 3 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
Great books, all three of them! The author has created a unique and believable world with great characters and storylines. I love Jenni and Sara, Brandon and Bonnie, Alisha and Crank, Denny, Lori, Todd… even Mogritas. They are all so real! I miss them already. Hope to find more books as good as these someday!

6) My Mr. Rochester. Episode 1 (Jane Eyre Retold) by L.K. Rigel.
No… I’m sorry.

7) The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution by George John Romanes. (London: MACMILLAN AND CO., 1882).
It was well written and interesting work. I am so glad I found this book!

8) Angelique in Love (Book 5 in Angelique Series) by Sergeanne Golon.
To tell the truth, Russian translation of the book is much better. I would love to be able to read it in the original language (French) one day.

9) Perfect Chemistry (Book 1 in Perfect Chemistry Series) by Simone Elkeles.
A good easy read but slightly predictable at the end. And too many swear words…

10) Rules of Attraction (Book 2 in Perfect Chemistry Series) by Simone Elkeles.
It was just too similar to the first book in the series.

11) Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Book 1 in Tragic Magic Series) by Sheena Boekweg.
A great plot twist! I loved this book!

12) Anna and the French Kiss (Book 1 in Anna and the French Kiss Series) by Stephanie Perkins.
It was the first English book that I couldn’t finish…

13) The Secret by Taylor Hart.
This was an interesting quick read but I expected a bit more.

14) My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick.
I loved this book so much! This is a very sweet and touching story about family, love and choices we make. Very well written!

15) Hell’s Hollow by Summer Stone.
A good debut book. Interesting but slightly boring sometimes.

16) The Pull of Destiny by Cheri Pye (hotcheri).
I’m reading it right now and I love this book! I really enjoy every chapter, every page of it. What a great read! Thank you, author!


I hope I will be able to read books in Spanish and Polish soon! :)

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Не все то золото, что…

Прочитала-вымучила: The Secret by Taylor Hart (Publication Date: March 24, 2013. Length: 259 pages).

Зря купилась на красивую обложку! В книжке лишь отдельные моменты ничего, а по большей части – скука несусветная… Зато выписала немного новых слов/выражений:

HOV lane = carpool lane = полоса движения, выделенная для машин, в которых едут два и более человека, включая водителя (I noticed the limo was in the HOV lane, going faster than what should be legal);
license plate number = регистрационный знак на автомобиле (Your friend memorized the license plate number);
make-shift = самодельное, временное, кустарно-сварганенное-на-коленке (Rob sat down at the make-shift computer station he’d put together at the kitchen table);
pinky = (ам. разг.) мизинец (I touched the lily with my pinky, catching it as it formed into the real thing before it could fall to the ground);
putz = придурок, идиот (You’re such a putz!);
sitting duck = легкая добыча, удобная мишень (We are like sitting ducks here, just waiting to be taken or killed);
sucker punch = a sudden surprise punch, esp. from behind (Shaking my head, I felt like I’d been sucker punched);
take a load off = присесть, дать ногам отдохнуть; что-то типа «в ногах правды нет» (The officers came in and Reed motioned for them to sit on the couches. «Take a load off».);
tarnation = a euphemism for damnation (Sheriff Boyle looked slowly around the cave. «What in tarnation has been going on?»);
tick off = (ам. разг.) выводить из себя, раздражать, сердить (He laughed again, which was starting to tick me off);
wear one’s feeling on one’s sleeve = скорее всего, равно по смыслу словосочетанию: wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve = не уметь скрывать своих чувств. Синоним нашего «рыдать и сопли рукавом вытирать», видимо (I could feel he has disappointed, but he hasn’t a man to wear his feelings on his sleeve).

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.


The most influential books for me (so far)

So here’s my list of the most influential books in my life so far (in no particular order).
I was raised on them and I have reread (or relisten to) some of them so many times that these books had become like old friends and teachers to me. (And parents, the very ones I’d never had…)

Books in English:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
One word: great

Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
One word: epochal

The Diddakoi by Rumer Godden
One word: brilliant

The Mother-Earth Series by Alan Tucker
One word: imagination

The Linguist: A personal guide to language learning by Steve Kaufmann (audiobook)
One word: inspirational

Books in Russian:

Волшебник изумрудного города (цикл из 6 книг). А.М. Волков (Magic Land series by A. Volkov)
One word: amazing

Горе от ума. А.С. Грибоедов (Woe from Wit or The Woes of Wit by A. Griboyedov)
One word: excellent

Барышня-крестьянка. А.С. Пушкин (Baryshnya-krestyanka or The Squire’s Daughter by A. Pushkin)
One word: genius

Пылающий остров. А.П. Казанцев (Burning Island by A. Kazantsev)
One word:  history

Фаэты. А.П. Казанцев (The Destruction of Faena by A. Kazantsev)
One word: future

Клокочущая пустота. А.П. Казанцев
One word: ancestry

Поселок. Кир Булычев (Village or Those Who Survive by Kir Bulychov)
One word: truth

Любимец. Кир Булычев (A Pet by Kir Bulychov)
One word: thought-provoking

Анжелика (серия из 13-и книг). Анн и Серж Голон (The Angélique Series of 13 books by Anne and Serge Golon)
One word: fantastic

Королева Марго. А. Дюма (Queen Margot by Alexandre Dumas)
One word: courage

Браслет 2. Лев Брандт
One word: spirit

Самый красивый конь. Б. Алмазов (The Most Beautiful Horse by В. Almazov)
One word: childhood

Седлайте коней! П.В. Боярский
One word: start

Книга о кактусах. И.А. Залетаева (A book of cacti by I. Zaletaeva)
One word: wonderful

Как я изучаю языки. Като Ломб (Polyglot: How I Learn Languages by Kato Lomb)
One word: respect

Books in Spanish:

Color de Fuego by Carmen Kurtz
One word: tear-stained

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

An interesting book is a great teacher!

I love foreign languages and I love young adult books! Roswell High book series, as well as Harry Potter series, are helping me with my English more than anything else I have tried. They constantly give me everyday expressions, British and American slang/sayings, etc.
Unfortunately, the books could not improve my speaking skills… (sigh).
Anyway. I’ve read the fourth book in the Roswell High series (The Watcher) by Melinda Metz and here are some interesting words and expressions that I’ve found:

after-hours = после рабочего дня, после отбоя (You’re predictable in your after-hours activities);
bummer = «облом» (What a bummer!);
check out = (разг.) умереть (You can’t check out now!);
crash crash out (break out) = быстро засыпать, «отрубиться»;
сrew cut = crew haircut = короткая стрижка, «ежик»;
flag down = сигнализировать, давать отмашку;
joint = (ам. жарг.) косяк (He’d been busted for smoking a joint behind the school);
mug = (разг.) лицо или рот;
no dice = бесполезно, ничего не вышло, этот номер не пройдет (It’s no dice, buddy);
on it = принято;
rocks = (разг.) лед (…on the rocks – …со льдом);
settle for = довольствоваться чем-либо;
sitch = situation (AmSlang);
stakeout spot = место, откуда ведется наблюдение, засада;
to cut smb. some slack = (амер.) быть менее строгим к кому-либо, дать поблажку.

The Watcher (Roswell High, #4) by Melinda Metz

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

I’m so disappointed

I had never read Danielle Steel book before so I decided to give it a try. I’ve read two of her books recently “Big Girl” and “Dating Game” and I was hugely disappointed. I don’t know if she always writes like this but I will never read anything by this author again!
Her writing was boring and so repetitive. From book to book she said almost the same things over and over again. No depth, the characters are flat! I had to force myself to finish just because I finish almost every book I start.

But… maybe I’ve missed something? Danielle Steel is a bestselling author. Maybe her other books might be worth reading?

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.