English books I’ve read in 2014

1) The Ivory Tower (a dystopian YA short story) by Kirstin Pulioff.
What a read! This short story blew me away. Amazing, just amazing!

2) Enchanted Castle (Book 1 in The Enchanted Castle Series) by Chrissy-Peebles.

3) A Measure of Disorder (Book 1 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
It was definitely one of the best books I read this year! I really loved the setting, the descriptions, the writing. I enjoyed every page!

4) A Cure for Chaos (Book 2 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
It’s a great read for YA and older readers!

5) Mother’s Heart (Book 3 in The Mother-Earth Series) by Alan Tucker.
Great books, all three of them! The author has created a unique and believable world with great characters and storylines. I love Jenni and Sara, Brandon and Bonnie, Alisha and Crank, Denny, Lori, Todd… even Mogritas. They are all so real! I miss them already. Hope to find more books as good as these someday!

6) My Mr. Rochester. Episode 1 (Jane Eyre Retold) by L.K. Rigel.
No… I’m sorry.

7) The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution by George John Romanes. (London: MACMILLAN AND CO., 1882).
It was well written and interesting work. I am so glad I found this book!

8) Angelique in Love (Book 5 in Angelique Series) by Sergeanne Golon.
To tell the truth, Russian translation of the book is much better. I would love to be able to read it in the original language (French) one day.

9) Perfect Chemistry (Book 1 in Perfect Chemistry Series) by Simone Elkeles.
A good easy read but slightly predictable at the end. And too many swear words…

10) Rules of Attraction (Book 2 in Perfect Chemistry Series) by Simone Elkeles.
It was just too similar to the first book in the series.

11) Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Book 1 in Tragic Magic Series) by Sheena Boekweg.
A great plot twist! I loved this book!

12) Anna and the French Kiss (Book 1 in Anna and the French Kiss Series) by Stephanie Perkins.
It was the first English book that I couldn’t finish…

13) The Secret by Taylor Hart.
This was an interesting quick read but I expected a bit more.

14) My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick.
I loved this book so much! This is a very sweet and touching story about family, love and choices we make. Very well written!

15) Hell’s Hollow by Summer Stone.
A good debut book. Interesting but slightly boring sometimes.

16) The Pull of Destiny by Cheri Pye (hotcheri).
I’m reading it right now and I love this book! I really enjoy every chapter, every page of it. What a great read! Thank you, author!


I hope I will be able to read books in Spanish and Polish soon! :)

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Моя жизнь по соседству (Хантли Фицпатрик) на английском – понравилась

Дочитала: My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick (Publication Date: Jun 14, 2012. Print Length: 400 pages).
Только три слова: очень хорошая книжка. И звучит в душе мелодия:

Интересные слова/выражения:
Be poles apart = быть диаметрально противоположным (Everything about the two women profiled in the driveway is poles apart);
burn the midnight oil = работатьпоночамилизасиживатьсязаработойдопоздна (I trace the dark bluish shadow under his eye with a slow finger. “Are you burning the midnight oil?”);
due respect = должное, заслуженное уважение (Everything you say makes sense, sir. I guess it’s logical. But with all due respect, you’re out of your fucking mind);
DUI = driving under the influence = управление автомобилем в нетрезвом состоянии или под воздействием наркотических веществ (He has two DUIs);
EMT = emergency medical technician = фельдшер скорой помощи, медицинский работник, оказывающий первую помощь пострадавшему на месте происшествия (He was in a puddle when the EMTs got there);
for keeps = навсегда, окончательно, насовсем (“No creo que se pueda volver y recuperar su trabajo”, Felipe shaps, moved to his native Spanish. “you go out now, and you go out for keeps”);
hush money = взятка, плата за молчание (Mr. Garrett doesn’t want charity – or hush money);
ICU = intensive care unit = отделение интенсивной терапии (The ICU is on the fourth floor and we need passes to get up there);
pay phone = телефон-автомат (He called 911 from a pay phone nearby);
put the moves on someone = что-то типа «подкатывать», пытаться соблазнить (Stop putting the moves on my sister in our kitchen, Tim!);
quote, unquote = буквально, так называемый (“I want to go to college. I want to be… good enough”. He pauses. “For you. Not that guy from the quote-unquote wrong side of the tracks, Samantha”);
think of one’s feet = быстро соображать, отвечать сразу, выступать «без бумажки» (He’s always thinking on his feet).

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.

Моя жизнь по соседству (Хантли Фицпатрик) на английском – первые впечатления

Прочитала половину: My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick (Publication Date: Jun 14, 2012). Вроде ничего особенного, а оторваться невозможно! Отличная книжка и читается легко.

Beat it! = прочь!, вон! (George! Beat it!);
come to terms (with smth.) = примириться, привыкнуть к чему-либо (It only took Clay a little while to come to terms with the fact that I had teenaged daughters);
CVS = CVS Pharmacy = распространенная в США сеть магазинов аптечных товаров + товаров повседневного спроса (We go to CVS later that night);
every trick in the book = все (возможные) средства (Tracy pulled every bad-teenager trick in the book. She played with drugs and drinking, she shoplifted, she slept with too many boys);
hangnail = заусенец (Tim’s eyes are cast down as he tears at a hangnail on his thumb);
ministering angel = (обычно о сестре милосердия) добрый ангел (What, you don’t see my big sister as a ministering angel? I’m shocked!);
no sweat = никаких проблем, не волнуйся (“Thanks,” I tell Alice. She fixes me with a stare “No sweat.”);
ole = (ам. разг.) old (S’up with ole Jase Garrett and you?);
Q-tips = «кью-типс» – товарный знак пластиковых ватных палочек с ватой на обеих концах (I bought Q-tips, and almost nothing else);
R and R = от военного Rest and Recreation = отпуск, побывка (He came here for a little R and R);
take in stride = accept good or bad luck and go on (Am I somebody who takes things in stride?);
to a fault = excessively, extremely = чрезмерно, чересчур, бесконечно, слишком (Punctual to a fault, I’ve never understood the expression “I lost track of time”);
up-and-comer = что-то вроде – подающий большие надежды, обещающий (Our Timothy is an up-and-comer, Samantha. I’m so proud!);
windbreaker = windcheater = ветровка с вязанными манжетами и воротником (In some of the posters mom’s wearing a yellow Windbreake.

This entry was originally posted in my livejournal (LJ) but I don’t use LJ anymore so I’ve transferred all of my Livejournal content to this website.