Title: A Horsey Name (Лошадиная фамилия, Loshadinaya familiya)
Author: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (Антон Павлович Чехов)
Language: Russian
Read by: Ekaterina Kassesinova (Екатерина Кассесинова)
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Please check out my other videos on YouTube:
Pushkin poem in 3 languages – Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian /У лукоморья дуб зеленый на трех языках https://youtu.be/dtu-H_kVxLY
Anna Karenina – famous opening line in 5 different languages (En, Sp, Pl, Ru, Am) / Read aloud https://youtu.be/Mo32Yj1_AUY
Reading Out Loud in English / My Language Learning Routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYGYY…
Leyendo en Español / Read aloud in Spanish // Rusa Tratando de Hablar Español https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT1ek…
Rosjanka czyta po polsku / Reading in Polish // My Language Learning Routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-qu5…
The Invincible Rooster – Read Aloud in Armenian /Անհաղթ աքլորը (Anhaght Aklore) (eng, rus, arm subs) https://youtu.be/aj2VPjkZ0V0
Hi! I’m Kate, a bookworm and a language enthusiast. For many years I enjoy reading books, listening to audiobooks, watching movies in different languages but I still can’t speak. I cannot express myself and my thoughts as clearly as fluently as I want (without a prepared script).
The same problem with my native language – Russian. Public speaking always was a nightmare to me… 
So that is why I decided to start making videos in different languages. I really want to get out of my comfort zone, to overcome my fear of speaking in foreign languages and have an opportunity to talk to all of you guys about everything!!!
My friends call me a silent polyglot …. but I don’t want to be silent anymore! :)
Let’s learn languages together!
Subscribe to my channel for more videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3LK…
Mail: info@silentpolyglot.com
Thank you so much for watching