I have been wanting to read this book for quite a long time. My husband has read it several times and constantly said that he loved the story. But he read and reread this book in Russian, while I wanted to read it in the original language – English, and that made the task a little more difficult (because, as you know, I live in Russia). :)
Finally, I found the English version, and I wasn’t disappointed. This book turned out to be a good solid science fiction, very well written and thoughtful. I liked the main character, Enoch Wallace; I felt a strong connection with him. You know, it is a great talent to write in such a way that the reader could tell that the characters are real characters, and Clifford D. Simak definitely had this talent.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves science fiction.
Here are some words from the book that I found interesting and that I would like to share with all of you. I hope you enjoy them.
grub = (разг) жрачка, харчи (He lives rather simply, to judge from the grub he buys.)
moonshine = самогон (I helped them with their moonshine…)
goldenrods = золотарник (The goldenrods were blooming now…)
frills = ужимки, навороты, прибамбасы (Don’t add any frills. Just do what I tell you.)
letterhead = фирменный бланк для письма, на котором напечатаны название и адрес фирмы (I do not use the journal’s letterhead because this letter is personal and unofficial…)
Started reading – 7 July 2023
Finished reading – 12 July 2023
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